Group ceremonies with Ayahuasca

Ceremonies in large groups are like intricate puzzles, where each participant plays a vital role in creating a harmonious and powerful experience. As people begin to gather in our ceremonial space, the energies present start to interact and balance each other, guided by the wisdom of the plants we use. Medicines like Rapé, made from Nicotiana Rústica tobacco and other herbs, are crucial in this process, helping to align and center everyone involved. The plants work alongside our inner intentions, facilitating deep healing and transformation.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that group dynamics can sometimes be unpredictable. Just like a lottery, the combination of people in a ceremony can vary, and not all groups will naturally blend well together. When the energies aren’t fully compatible, the ceremony may not reach its full potential. That said, our careful selection process helps ensure that most of the time, the group works well together, creating a powerful and profound experience for everyone involved.

Ayahuasca, the centerpiece of our ceremonies, is a plant that connects us on a profound level, enhancing our spiritual journey. Its effects can be further amplified through the use of other plants, various therapies, and artistic expressions. These elements come together to create a holistic healing experience.

We take great joy in offering these group ceremonies once or twice a month at our center. These public events are open to all, providing an opportunity to share music, explore different meditation techniques, and connect with others on a similar spiritual path. The combination of plants, intentions, and the collective energy of the group makes each ceremony a unique and transformative experience.

What are your thoughts on participating in such a group ceremony?